Monday, February 19, 2007

The Know Zone

The plan for the communications part of the Know Zone is evolving and some very good foundation blocks are in place. The first major hurdle was to find a rapid way of communicating with you folks. We have it and it is in place and working pretty good.

We have been working on it for a couple of months now and here is a report. There are 3 Neighborhood Watch Block Captain Coordinators. At this time they all happen to be members of the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) They have been trained by local police, fire, Red Cross, Coast Guard, State Police and Pacific West Ambulance.. Some have been certified in Red Cross First Aid, CPR, and AED (Automatic Electric Defibrillator) . They also have trained most diligently on a weekly basis to enhance LVH's safety.

What has been done with communications.... Thanks to some great benefactors the park has 5 radios with rechargeable batteries. They have 3 chargers. Each one of the Coordinators has a radio tuned to CH5 FRS all the time and they listen most of the time, 24/7. As time goes on more of the CERT team will be asked to carry rechargeable radios much of the time and monitor CH 5 if they wish to volunteer. When we can say we have coverage 24/7 all the time we will have reached a milestone.

Your part at this point is to buy a radio.. preferably with a charger, and learn to use it... CERT team members will help you learn just ask them. Practice any time from 9:00 AM to 6:00PM. Call for a radio check or to ask if there are any Neighborhood problems or to report a problem.. HOWEVER, we are not the police or ambulance service you should make those calls yourself but you could give us a heads up on CH 5 FRS. Do Radio Checks and ask questions on the air until you can work your radio with your eyes shut. A problem may happen during the night with no electricity... Buy your radio and practice now.

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