Monday, August 21, 2006

A View from the Hill Newsletter..

Many of you have noticed that Jim and Marlynn McCrea have a for sale sign in their front yard. Jim told me they already have a new home in Brigham City, Utah which is where their son lives along with their grandkids. They want to spend more time with their family and so they will be leaving the community.

Jim and Marlynn have put the Newsletter out for the last few years but now we will be experiencing a void. It is possible that the Newsletter will not even be published. Jim so loved writing that he is thinking of writing a weekly column about the news in general and publishing it here on the website from Utah. We don't know how many hours the two of them put in but it has clearly been a labor of love. Jim majored in English in college and has enjoyed using his considerable skill as our editor.

Now we need to move on as we all do over time here at LVH. The search is on. It does not have to be a one man show.. Several of you could volunteer to put the monthly news out. Once again, the thing you have to remember is this a new expeience, a new hobby.. it isn't a task.. A chance to do something you may have not had a chance to do in pre-retirement life. We have the time now and this is a fun opportunity to get into. There is not a stampede of people running down the street yelling, "Pick me .. I wanna do it".

I think because we have all volunteered so much of our lives for reasons other than fun that the word "volunteer" just conjurs up the feeling that you want to become real small and hide. We jealously guard our new independence from having to work and our freedom of retirement.. thinking that the jobs such as this one are time robbers, boring and uninteresting.

Ladies and gentlemen it isn't so. This is a great way to have fun, meet new people, improve writing skills, be in the know on events and happenings and you call the shots. What goes in? You say.. The time you want to spend on it? Your the boss.. You decide.

Should we let this job slide? Well one sad impact of it would be the loss of advertising revenue which pretty much keeps the Social Club on an even keel. Those that don't have a computer are going to miss out on a lot of information.

So, if you Nawwwwed this appeal earlier or if this your first time hearing it ... Won't you give it a second thought? Maybe give it a try? Call Social Club President Wayde Duddley today and say, "I'll give it a try".

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