Sunday, August 20, 2006

Senior Funnies Help!

Those of you that have enjoyed the Senior Funnies website have a void. See here is what happened to the site.. Charles Burke became ill. I had come to rely on him for a continuous stream of jokes that people were sending him in his email and he finally ran the site and I was on to other projects. As you know by now Charles is pretty well laid up with health issues and cannot keep up the site until he has an improvement in his condition.

Well I have a number of irons in the fire at this time and also do not have the time to keep it up. So it is going to sit there and you will be able to call up the archives and get a laugh or two if you want. Meanwhile, we are leaving an open invitation to anyone who would like to give it a try.

I will set up anybody or group of folks that may like to give it a try. It takes about a half hour to get set and I will help you do that. I remain in the background as technical advisor and Censor and occasional contributor.

The site is set up so that those that keep it up cannot cause it to have any harm so it is fool proof. You can make mistakes until the cows come home and it won't be a problem.

Here is how it works...

You put in all the jokes people send to your email.. Pictures anything worth a laugh. You also make sure they (the jokes) adhere to the following rules:

Jokes that may cause a neighbor to feel badly because of an ethnic slur, Political or religious positions are also not a good idea. The easiest way is to be aware and practice the Golden Rule.
You should not be offended if I decide to delete a joke that I feel violates the above rules of the road. I will just pull it but will not necessarily say anything to you. These rules were made up over the years by finding out the hardway what not to do.

You can think of the websites, The Social Club, The CERT team, The Fisherman's Club, Pool, the Newsletter all of these things at LVH not as chores but as your hobby. If that becomes your take on it you will enjoy any activity you make your own. In your pre-retirement life these were volunteer activities that you took on for your kids family or because the boss wanted you to. You really did not take them because you wanted to but because you had to. Now there are a variety of things that you can do that may be interesting and fun if you can only get your head around the idea that what you choose is fun and a hobby not another boring volunteer drudge job.

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