Monday, May 01, 2006

Volunteer Opportunit

Volunteer Opportunities for new folks

In the last article we spoke about giving up some of the volunteer activities we are doing for our community. We want to explore new opportunities to serve using the skills acquired over a life time. For me finding new things to learn and do is an exciting adventure. The accomplishments of the past are nice but begin to lose the luster of first discovery and after a time they become a chore.

However, maybe some of you would enjoy discovering new ways to put your talents to use. One thing I enjoy doing is teaching. So there are these tasks I took on and computerized so they would not be so time consuming. I no longer want to continue with some of them and am giving them up when the new batch of officers of the LVH Social Club Take over. But... I will not just cease doing them. I want to show others how to do the tasks on their computers and I will be available for advice any time.

Let me say taking over will not be a burden for you.. Come enjoy learning how to maintain the computerized calendar. It only needs to be updated if a changed activity occurs or a birthday is added or subtracted. It just keeps itself up to date. Update it up from anywhere in the world as it lives on the internet. Learn how to transfer it to Microsoft Word and make hard copies for the newsletter each month. Enjoy the ease of having Larry Henson calling you with any changes of the clubhouse use and then just entering it on your computer where it updates itself right then on the internet and on our web page... Instantly it is updated. Enjoy putting in an entry one time such as a birthday and watch as the calendar projects it ahead automatically for 3 years into the future. Because the Social club sets its agenda of activities for a full year in advance you enter them once and the whole calendar is finished for the year.

So you have been wanting to learn how to use the computer for something useful? Here is your chance. This could lead to your setting up an internet calendar for another organization such as a church or other group. It is easy to learn and more than one person can do it. Shoot, we can teach half a dozen in the new computer lab if this appeals to you. We can also come to your home and teach you one on one. Don’t forget.. We will not abandon you.. We will always be available to help with advice. Email me at or just leave a note in the comments.

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