Sunday, November 06, 2005

Why the website..

Why the website looks kind of sparse....


You may have wondered where all the news items and quotes...links to cool sites and all that have gone? Of course we are busy down here in Sunnyvale and there are some time constraints.. But the real reason we can't come up with a full page daily is Apple Computer. .... My daughter has a MacIntosh and it just will not do a lot of the functions that are setup on my little PC notebook computer. So it cuts down on all the slick stuff such as pictures and news quotes that we can normally do. Her computer is the one tied to the net ... So it is the one we have to use... That will be coming to a change this Tuesday as we start home to Oregon. By Thursday I will be setting in the dining room at home publishing to our site and doing the things necessary to keep it up and running in first class shape.

I will be interested in teaching a class on how to write on the website. It has become a very simple process and we would like to see a lot of neighbors reporting throughout the community on interesting things. That would give the site more continuity when we have to be away.

Just how easy is it to write now? I think some of you who wrote before found the process a bit difficult and those folks who created this media have now made it as simple as writing something on Microsoft Word and clicking a publish button. Google, the sponsors of this site made a tool bar that downloads to your computer in about 10 seconds. When you tell it to install it goes to your Microsoft Word program and installs itself there. If you write something and want it on the website you just click publish or save as draft and it then publishes directly to the website. That's it.

There are a few other things that have to occur such as signing you on to the website as a member but I am going to do all that for anyone who wants to be a reporter. So in reality all you have to do is download the new Google toolbar and I will even do that for you if you would like.

Interested? email me at

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