Thursday, June 16, 2005

Thoughts on Keeping up with Technology...

Thinking about the number of old computers and operating systems in the park. I wonder what would have happened if we resisted the change to computer entertainment and said TV is good enough. I imagine our grandparents saying that TV was to expensive and not worth the effort and they would stick with radio. In this age of techno wonder have we become our grandparents? Are our children shaking their heads just as we scoffed at our grandparents?

You think you can't get it.. It's just beyond you.. Poop! Our generation is one of the best educated that America has ever had. More people received educations under the GI bill than ever before. This is what led to the technological revolution... it was us!! Those youngsters are just riding the crest of the wave we created. Look at the TV ... the Tonight show.. Ever see the average ordinary people Jay Lento interviews on the street and hear the simple questions he asks them? Well if you don't stay up that late you would be amazed at the answers from today's youth. Folks, not only do you have the savy to master computers but you have something else that is missing in great quantities from today's youngsters.... common sense.

I can't beleive that you won't tackle this like all of the challenges you have had in life. Come on... upgrade your computer and software and get in a class you can understand. There is so much more you can do to enhance your golden years by using a computer. And it is not hard. What is hard is breaking down the notion that it is hard. Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, physics, chemistry, biology, history, languages... That was all extremely hard compared to a computer... In fact the computer is more like Dick and Jane run than any of those other subjects. Working, raising a family that's hard. I think if you will remember how hard it was to learn to drive and how happy you were when you got your driver's liscense... That is about the same as learning a computer. But you will remember you did not learn to drive by reading books alone. You had time driving with a teacher or other driver and then you were a learner and drove for a time until you mastered your automobile. Same with the computer. Only you have been going at it backwards ...Your trying to drive before you know anything about shifting gears and steering... You're pushing the accelerator without knowing how to put on the brakes.

Come on to the computer club meetings talk about what you would like to learn... Someone knows how... Find a teacher you can learn from and upgrade that computer...

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