Sunday, April 03, 2005

How to keep the Gini bottled up and use her for our wishes...
ron thomas

We have this powerful gini locked up and she is forced to grant many of our whims just because we have put a lot of restraints on her. Let her loose on her own and she will wreak havoc and cause serious injury and destruction without a second thought.

Because of what happened at the clubhouse during the breakfast preparation I thought you should know more about Jeanie and how she works.. If you knew that you would know what to do next time plus you wouldn't be prone to make a mistake like I was hearing from several different directions that would just remove her constraints and let her run wild.... Beleive me you don't want to see that happen... I have and not only is it dangerous and ugly it is very scarry.

Our Jeanie has a second name... perhaps you know her by that? It's Electricity...

While cooking up the breakfast the ladies were getting pretty frustrated with the electricity because the circuit breakers kept tripping out and interrupting the cooking. First it was on then it was off... Our ladies were upset.
"Couldn't something be done?" "This wiring stinks!" "The breakers must be bad!" "They need to do something about this!" "Why don't we just upsize the circuit breakers 5 or 10 amps?"

Let's take a break here and talk about what happened and why it did. First, what is a circuit breaker and how does it work in simple language? Ever look down inside your toaster and see those glowing wires(elements) while your bread is baked into toast? Well that is what a circuit breaker does. I know you think that's crazy a circuit breaker looks like a switch it even says "ON" and "OFF" on it. Well, you are right it is a special kind of switch. Inside this circuit breaker there is a precision wire that heats up just like the toaster wire does as electricity flows through it. The more electricity that flows through that wire ...the hotter it gets. The wire, in this case, is designed to reach an exact temperature and then trip the switch off. That is what was happening. The circuit breaker was too hot and so it turned off the electricity.

Each circuit breaker is sized to trip before the wire that goes through the walls to the outlets from becoming hot enough to ignite and burn the kitchen, house... whatever ... down. So, you can now see why we don't want to increase the size of the circuit breaker from say 20amps to 40 amps? Well if you don't, look at it this way.. At 20 amps the wire is as hot as it can get... At 40amps it would be cherry red and it would be in your walls heating things up.... Not a good thing.

OK ok ok.... Why did the circuit breaker heat up then? Simple... Look at all the cookers and fryers and ladies with plugged in thing a ma jigs making that mamouth breakfast. Each one has a current rating and anything that cooks stuff uses a lot of electricity (amps). Too many high electricity users on the circuit at one time.... circuit breaker heats up and trips.. Praise be that the circuit breaker worked or we would have burnt the place down.

What can be done? Well, we can see when a breaker trips it has too many devices using its wire. What you have to do is go to a remoter location (which will be on a different circuit breaker) and run an extension cord from another outlet to the kitchen and plug some of the stuff into that. That way we share the electrical load around.

Now if we used the kitchen, like we did on that day, on a regular basis it might pay to have new extra lines from new circuit breakers wired in permanently.

One other cause of this electrical problem was loose fitting recepticles. You know... That's when you plug a device in and it falls out of the recepticle. that causes a high resistance connection which... causes more electricity to be used. There are a number of them in the clubhouse and they should be replaced.

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