Saturday, March 19, 2005

McKinley Services....
ron thomas

This article has a large on-going COMMENT conversation and is becoming difficult to follow as it approaches the bottom of the site and goes off into the ARCHIVES. Since it has not reached a conclusion yet we have moved it to the head of the webpage and put the comments from indivduals below. Afteter you read the comments you may want to put your 2 cents in too.

When you have a good experience with a contractor ... You ought to tell everybody about it. This is a fella that goes under your home and fixes level problems. In addition to that he found a water leak and fixed it. He came out with several recomendations. From instructions about air vents.. when to close them and when not to. Drainage ideas. And excellent suggetsions about what to do about your water heater to keep it from damaging your subfloor should it leak. These were all things I didn't know about with these modular homes since we had never had one before this experience.

My personal rating on a scale of one to five stars..... 5 stars. Price was $125.

Don't lose his phone number. Have already heard wonderful things about him. And we do need more people like him because Lee is getting older and Ron is swamped. Thank you for his name!
NancyLee Moore

Ron: I may have sent my first comment accidentally, and wasn't finished. Sorry folks if this is a repeat. I just paid for round trip ticket for my son-in-law to do a bunch of little odd jobs around my home. I have not personally, up to now, met but ONE honest, ethical, GOOD "licensed" contractor since I came here, and was doubting one existed. I have stories about plumbing contractors, electrical contractors, carpet installers, and contractors, in general, that would make you sick to your stomach. Recently had rubber seal replaced on my garage door, and that was an experience that cost me $140, 2 trip charges, and the man messed up the once perfect operation of my garage door because he didn't put the screws back in that held the door sections together. Ha Ha Ha, Oh my "I forgot to put the screws back in"! Oh, it was REALLY "funny". Remember, this was just to install a rubber seal, as this was the ONLY problem I had. Two trips! Two weeks apart. I am to the point of making the mistake of letting things go for lack of any faith in anybody who works in this area. I am happy to hear that someone is pleased with any contractors work! The state of Oregon seems to be interested in taking the contractors money for license, insurance bonds etc, and am not sure they really care if the contractor is worth his/her salt, or not. I can recommend one person, so far, and that's the person who repaired my roof after another group made a big mess of a repair, and the first big wind, my neighbor called to say my shingles on the ridge were flapping in the breeze. Ho Hum. Story of my life with contractors! I'll not lose this number. Thanks and thanks again.
Ruthanne Carson

Just so there's no misunderstanding here. I'm talking "licensed contractors", which I think may be what Ron was referring to. ??? I have no complaints about Cleda's Ron. But thought the reference was to licensed contractors. Maybe not.
If anyone wants to know who NOT to call, let me know.
Ruthanne Carson

And so we have here a kernal of an idea... Who would like to start a column here on the website devoted to keeping track of our folks' experience with contractors? Maybe a rating system or what have you? It would all be on one page with ratings anyone could look up when they are looking for somebody.

I have too many irons in the fire but am willing to set someone up to do it. Email me.
Ron Thomas

Previously, left a question as to whether or not we could do names etc., without getting into some kind of hot water? I like this idea, and think it might be good for us. Know it's difficult to get referrals as one persons' poison might be someone elses' delight. So the rating thing ought to work, if people knew to go there and check it out, etc. Am still hesitant because of what could be some liability involved? Am no lawyer and don't know any Oregon lawyers to find out. The Oregon Licensing Board expects one to give the offending person a chance to correct problems, however, if some company/person has screwed up a job, I don't want them back to further screw it up, which is what my experience was. Makes me want to toss in the homeowners towel.
Ruthanne Carson

Legality is an important issue.
I've spoken to Jim Dodds about that issue on the site he has created and have been thinking hard about it since.

What we might do to get rid of any legal issues is to only rate those that we like. This would result in a list of contractor experiences rated from average to excellent. Also, a box could be put in for checking if the resident used the contractor but does NOT want to rate a contractor for some reason.

This could result in a list of rated contractors and a list of contractors that were not rated for some reason.

The homeowner could then choose what they wanted to do. Go with a rated contractor or venture into unchartered waters.
Ron Thomas

The site I created with the rating poll allows you to input anything you want, for the example that is posted on the site I used:

Below Average
Very Good

However you can add anything you want or change it entirely. You can have 50 choices if you the poll format is up to you. You could have:

Would Recommend
Would Not
Dig them a grave
Give `em a pot of Gold

everything in the poll format is open..
Jim Dodds

I like the idea of a no holds barred type of site..after all, a LOT of contractors have made a LOT of money from the residents of Longview Hills, over the years, and we ought to have the right to blast them if we feel they deserve it, or praise them to Heaven, if they deserve it. Maybe if some of them read it, they might get the idea that they can't pawn off inferior work on people and continue to get work! Now, I realize that just because I'd like to kick a few hind-ends, based on my own bad experiences, doesn't mean it's the thing to do, nor does it make it "legal" if one of them wants to get a little "testy" about it! So, if it's not a matter of liability, I say "don't be bashful". Jim, your ideas sound just fine to me! Will this be coming up at the next meeting?
Ruthanne Carson

If it's decided that other people think there is a need for this sort of page, I'd offer to do it, but would need some help getting it set up, etc.--sounds like Jim has a plan already.
Ruthanne Carson

The Social Club is for Social Activities. This is out of their purvue but the Comunity Mediating Committee has brought this up and it is the reason that the link to the Oregon State Contractor Board appears on the web page. It was also requested by them that we research a way to do this that would keep us away from legal problems.

As far as attending a meeting on the subject you can call Blaine Kalar (KAYLER) the current chairman and request it be put on the agenda and ask for a meeting date and time.

What gets put on the webpage is more of a what people want type of thing. We hear enough positive requests and it will be put on. The Social Club never has provided any help to this page. However we have spent countless hours helping the Social Club. For that reason the content of the webpage is upto its contributors and editor. Right now that would be those that write comments and those that write articles (3) . That would be Cleda Hampton, Jim Dodds and me that write articles. You are all cordially invited to be a team writer on the web page just email me.
Ron Thomas

The software that is used is "very" simple, the poll wizard is easy to create for each contractor. If you decide you would like to give it a whirl, it will take about an hour to walk you through the software functions.

Jim Dodds

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