Sunday, March 13, 2005

Hello..a program that shares pictures fast for free!

ron thomas

A few posts ago I tried to stimulate interest in a program called Picasa. We were discouraged because there did not seem to be any takers. Well yesterday I found there is at least one. So, I wanted to tell any others out there about a second program that goes hand in hand with Picasa. It is called HELLO.

The below quote is from the home page of Hello and describes what it does

"Hello is a new way to look at pictures with friends and family.
When you use Hello, you get to see your photographs together with your friends online. You don’t have to wait for huge email attachments to download or upload your pictures to a public website. Just point at a picture and you can tell the person who sent it exactly what you think. With just one click, you can get the original high-quality, full-sized file to print.

Hello is easy to get going (as long as you have someone to share with). You’ll be talking about pictures in just minutes."

So we will be adding this free program to our list of downloads on the left side of the page. You will find a link there that will take you to Hello's Home page.

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