Friday, February 11, 2005

During the last few months...
Ron Thomas

We have heard criticism about how only about 30 people come to Social Club meetings or participate and help in activities. That seems to be more or less true from our observations. So, if there are only that many interested why don't those that are interested in having social events and playing just form a second club?

The Social Club would exist for the park and the other club would exist to have it's own activities. Two clubs if you will. One that has all those that never volunteer and the other that does. One that has meetings and the other for those that want to be left alone. What about the treasury? Well that belongs to the Social Club period. The other club would raise its own treasury.

So you are thinking that creates two groups of people or two classes of citizens in the park? Not so. What it does is put the do nothing folks all together where they want to be, doing nothing unless someone volunteers to do something for them for nothing. The rest of the folks would be free to have parties and celebrate until the cows come home without having to work for those that want to do nothing. It's a win win solution.

The do nothing folks could crab about how their treasury was handled. The fun havers would work twice as hard if they knew they were going to have more fun. The do nothings could stay off to themselves or with their outside interests while the social bunch rollicked and played.

Seems like the ideal solution to me

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