CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) is scheduled to begin January 22nd at the Newport Fire Hall (the main fire station). Class will begin at 5:30pm... The first class is a general presentation of what CERT hopes to accomplish in our community with a brief history of how it came about and a slide presentation of how it works and then a discussion of how it works for you as an individual and for the community of Newport.
That class is followed by 8 weeks of training in about 2 hour sessions with the final session being a disaster simulation drill where participants get the chance to try out what they have learned.
If you have been around our community for awhile you know of the many services our local neighborhood CERT team has instituted to make our park one of the safest in the state of Oregon. We need help. We need a continuous input of new people to keep our rescue operations people young enough to get the job done. We need older folks to perform many of the tasks that don't require a lot of physical effort... So there is a place on the team for each and everyone of you. Please sign up today and be ready for the new class on January 22nd, we will be looking forward to you joining us.....
LVH CERT Team members:
Wayne Hill CPR- 1ST- AID -AED
Bill Furgason/ HAM Radio/ 1st Aid-CPR-AED
Mike Larsen CPR- 1ST- AID -AED
Wayde Dudley CPR- 1ST- AID -AED (training in HAM Radio) mapping
Barb Dudley CPR- 1ST- AID -AED (Internet web pages, photos)
Greg Pfalmer CPR-1st Aid-AED/Ham Radio (resources)
Rod McCready CPR- 1ST- AID -AED
Larry Henson CPR- 1ST- AID -AED /HAM RADIO
Marlene Crites CPR- 1ST- AID -AED/ Projects
Ed Simon CPR- 1ST- AID -AED/ CERT Board/Newport Volunteer Organizer
Tom Roederer CPR- 1ST- AID -AED -HAM Radio
Jeannine Roederer CPR- 1ST- AID -AED- (training HAM Operator)
Ron Thomas CPR- 1ST- AID -AED/ -HAM Radio
Gold Star Team Helpers
Liz Hill (Communications-Retired CHP Dispatcher)*****
Kristy Graff (Communications-Retired CHP Didpatcher)
Ben Davi (Registered Nurse, Samaritan Hospital and benefactor)*****
Doris Davis(Registered Nurse, Retired)
John Spangler (CERT trained .. mentor, master craftsman for projects and benefactor)*****
Dick Billingham (CERT trained .. inactive)
Ruthanne Carson (Neighborhood Watch Radio Communications)
Jackie Memoli (Neighborhood Watch Radio Communications)
Dan Wilson (Oregon State Police Volunteer/Ham Radio operator, Crisis help)
John Wilson HAM instuctor and LVH HAM volunteer *****
Jacky Thomas (Neighborhood Watch Co-ordinator and help mate to RT)*****
Our Benefactors:
Central Coast CERT
Siletz Tribal Charitable Council
Longview Hills Social Club
John and Mary Spangler
Staples (the store)
Ben Davi
Sam Splint Manufacturing (South Beach)
SIGN UP BY EMAILING TO e.simon@newportpolice.net
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