Saturday, April 21, 2007

Social Club Projects ...

Nearly everyone these days is thinking up projects that they would like the Social club to buy. Some groups have very few people want bucks to support there desires. Another might want to add new equipment to the clubhouse for the greater enjoyment of the residents. Still others want money for entertainment events. There are a lot of suggestions about what can be done by the Social Club funds. Still there are very few that attend monthly meetings to supply guidance.

For those who are new to LVH you should know that each resident that owns a home here is automatically a member of the Social Club. Each member is entitled to vote and put forward motions for discussion and vote at meetings.

Social Club funds accrue from fund raisers, breakfasts, CD interest and advertisements in the newsletter, even house painting for members by members. How they are disbursed is by establishment of an annual budget and by vote of a majority of members at meetings. Thus if you do not participate the funds may be spent in areas you may or may not like. It is the members present at meetings that determines the course the club takes and it is the board of the Social Club that determines how the business of the club is conducted.

Now you all know that? Don't you?

I've heard about projects of value that folks want.. I'm going to list them and for some I will put the estimated cost and who benefits. Now you help too. In the comments you put what you would like to see the social club try to get as a project. When we have a ll the goodies listed we will conduct a poll to see which ones are the most important for everyone. Then maybe we can proceed to work toward the goal that the most people feel would be of most benefit. It's always good to have a goal in sight to work for don't you think? Here is the list as I have heard it from here and there (in no particular order) :
  1. NEW chairs for the clubhouse main hall ($50 apiece) 24 chairs X $50=$2200
  2. Pool Tables recover $800 ( only the pool club uses them)
  3. Pinball Machine... No idea
  4. Putting Green.... No idea
  5. Horse Shoe Pits ... No idea
  6. Wide Screen TV.... $1200
  7. New couches and chairs... no idea.
  8. New popcorn machine no idea.
  9. Computer desks for the clubhouse... no idea.
What are your ideas?

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