Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Request for Help and an Invitation to Watch and Listen

This Wednesday at 9:30 AM... Longview Hills will sustain a minor disaster. It will be a practice disaster and will take place in our community. Our own CERT (Community Emergency Rescue Team) team is putting to use the skills they have been training on for over a year now.

The Chief of Police, Fire Dept. Ass't Chief, and some Lincoln County officials will observe the drama as it unfolds. They have long been of the opinion that one of the most advanced teams in Lincoln County is our own LVH Team.

At 9:30 our community will experience a moderate earthquake and the drama will begin. You can listen on CH5 on your FRS radio... You know ... the one you have been meaning to buy but haven't got around to yet? Don't miss this event get your radio and call for a radio check today so you will be ready for the Wednesday show.

We expect the practice to be a good teaching experience. We expect to make mistakes and find out things that never occurred to us before and with that information we will learn what has to be studied in the coming months.

NOW, this drill can be made more real and interesting with you our neighbors volunteering to help. Some have already. We expect in time of crisis a lot of you will step forward and volunteer to help. In fact we are counting on it. There are to few of us to handle the community without that help. We need folks willing to work with a rescue team (some lifting). We need others to work at the clubhouse which will be the operations center and help the team there and then we have a real need for people willing to be victims. We won't be toting around live victims on stretchers but if you help you will probably be swaddled in bandages...

So far only two volunteers have signed up at the clubhouse.. Just two... That's it.

We need about 5 Neighborhood Watch block captains (if you don't have a radio we have a few spares) from the community to call Neighbor Assesment Reports for our communications team to practice on.

As events unfold on the FRS radio and in the Clubhouse you will find out where all the action is taking place. Walk over and watch... audiences are welcome...

I have only Monday and Tuesday left to set the drill up. CERT team members do not know what is going to happen other than it will start at 9:30 Wednesday. If you are inclined to lend a hand sign up on the clubhouse bulletin board or email me at:teckron@gmail.com

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