Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Our Newport Police Department

Today was the culmination of a lot of work for the Newport Police Department's web sites. We have been working setting up the accounts with them for quite awhile. Yesterday we received a green light from the Chief to finish the websites. They are all operational now and make a lot of tools available to you for reporting criminal activity or problems in our community. In addition there is an arrest log that shows who got arrested and why. There is a new News Release page that gives the full accounts of an arrest. Not the abridged ones you see in the newspaper.

Be better informed about the community and visit and use these new sites as often as you like.

Take a look at the "File a Report" page. We made it with the folks here at LVH in mind based on what we have observed over the years. It works beautifully just fill in the form and send it.

The police Dept has plans to change pictures on their site more often to give you a window on their activities and plans for two more websites. One will be a page that honors our police and another will be a form that you fill out that will put your name on a police email list where they can warn and update the community about developing problems. Here is a link to the front page of the Newport Police.. Explore the entire site it's a good read.
Newport Police Click Here

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