Thursday, January 18, 2007

CERT Team Creates Controversy At LVH....

Monday, 15th... @The Social Club Meeting...

In the last year and a half that the CERT team has come into existence it has always been plagued with funding problems that have caused it to seek many creative solutions toward making our community a safe place during an emergency. A finer group of community minded citizens you could not ask for in my opinion.

Since we are dedicated to raising the LVH community to a standard that will enable the community to survive all manner of disasters and 90% of our training and time is spent right here at LVH working for the common good of every resident at LVH we sought to acquire status as a service club working under the auspicious of the Social Club in addition to our affiliation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Police, Fire Dept.'s, Coast Guard, Red Cross and Lincoln County Emergency Management.

Our goal in doing that was to ask the Social Club to support our group with a $250 annual budget. The Social Club voted unanimously to take us under their wing and fund us.

Not very long after the meeting was over we started getting feedback that a resident was upset and asserted we (the CERT Team) would bleed the Social Club treasury dry. Personally, this was offensive to me and probably to the whole team of volunteers who have spent many hours of voluntary work and monetary donations of their own.

Now the activity planning group which met shortly thereafter has come up with an idea that we can all get behind. They suggested that we (the CERT team) could volunteer to cook a couple of breakfasts during the year to help defray the $250 funding we asked for. Most of us have learned from life that their is no free lunch and so the team members all felt good about volunteering to help cook those breakfasts and are looking forward to yet another way to serve the community.

Entering a post script here.. The Social Club and the CERT team are working on ideas for future fund raisers.

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