Monday, December 11, 2006

A sensitive request....

From time to time things happen in our community that do not get out. Relying on your descretion I would appreciate it if you could email me or one of the staff or tell Jacky when something of import happens in a neighbor's life.

  • A new grandchild
  • A passing of a loved one
  • A new neighbor moves in
  • A member of the community is ill
  • Some event needs to be put on the calendar
If we have that information we can share it so all can rejoice or empathise. This is a more caring way we would like to see exhibited here on the LVH website. You bet we want to see pictures of your latest grandbaby! An obituary for a passing.. Why not? Celebrating and welcoming a new Neighbor..great idea. keeping up and sharing the load with a sick friend a good support idea. Change the calendar? Jacky or I can change it with a few key strokes.

Why make this statement? Recently, while planning for coverage of oxygen during a power outtage I called a husband of a lady and was explaining to him what CERT was planning to do for his wife when he stopped me and said his wife had died a few days ago. He said they didn't know anyone in the park and just told Larry Henson. After I removed my foot from my mouth I visited with Larry and he pointed out he keeps a list of those that pass away on the glass window to the office in the dining hall.. How often would a person have to check that glass? Can't we all as neighbors share these type of things?

Well, I don't know it just seems to me that one purpose of this little news letter is keep residents upto date on what's happening. I have found that others are ill or having major surgery and not even known about it until they are well again. It is pretty easy to make this situation better just tell us and we will get the word out to everyone.

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