Saturday, November 18, 2006

Has everybody asked all their questions of Rob Thomas the Tax Assessor?

If it is done we will let the discussion migrate off the page and into the archives where you can access it forever. If not we will bring it to the top of the website and let it continue.

This type of discussion will be improved with a chat room format that Jim Dodds has sent in. Now you see how a long range Q&A session can work we will try a chat room where the discussion is over a shorter time frame and can involve you and your relatives and community residents. All we need is a topic that is of interest to the community.

Why don't you suggest a topic in the comments below and we will see what we can do about getting the chat set up and under way. This is a community enlightening project. You are learning new ways to use your computer that will help all of us get more out of life. I am going to put my choice for a community chat in the comments now.

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