Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Poll Results....
Votes Percent

The car horn-calling solution proposed in the article. 5 --9%

Modified car horn-calling solution as you explained in
the comments. 0

Using the current block captain system. 8 --15%

Every person is responsible for themselves.
Do not do anything. 40 --75%

There is a fault in this poll. I set it so a person could vote for more than one item and it also would let a person vote more than once. I'm hoping that that is what I am looking at when I look at this poll. On the other hand a choice that would have said , "None of these look good keep working on it." Might have helped a bit.

Well the CERT team has been working on a better notification scheme and has come up with an outline for a good notification system. Soon we will present it to you. I think you will like it. Even so, Donna Talarski came up with a phone dialer system that is cost prohibitive but the concept may exist in the world of freeware. So we are researching it.

I think the results of the poll are skewed because the choices were not good ones. I'm not ready to believe that folks feel they are on their own and don't want to pull together as a community. If you think I have it wrong sound off in the comments.. I'll be listening.

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