Thursday, October 12, 2006


I spoke to Charles this morning at about 11:30. He is being moved to Newport Rehab this afternoon.

Charles said he is in constant pain but with a typical Charles qualifier, a short laugh and says he will survive. At Newport Rehab they will work on getting his strength back. They have told him that the nerve bundle in his back needed to be separated when they operated and that is the cause of his pain but they say it will go away with time. After they get him physically stronger at rehab they are going to operate on him again. Charles said that the Dr. that did this to him will not be allowed to touch him again. He is going with a new one. When Charles gets better I sure want to know that Dr.'s name... Don't you?

The only thing you can do now is pull for Charles.. Keep him in your thoughts and hope for the best. If you see Frida offer to help do things around the house so she keep focused on Charles.

I will let Charles get settled in at rehab and then visit him.

Frida if you need anything or help let us know we will put up anything on the website and get lots of help.

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