Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Below is alittle information on the nauture of the game and maybe this might draw intererst from residents to come join in the fun. Hope to see a good turn out...the more there are the more tables playing........have fun!

The Nature of the Game
In each hand, usually one partnership is dominant and the other one is submissive. The dominant partnership has many cards, and thus many chances to take the discard pile, and many chances to make canastas. The submissive partnership has few cards, and few chances to do anything.
The partnership that takes one big or a couple of small discard piles becomes dominant. Thus, in the beginning of a hand, you should aim at taking many cards from the discard pile. (Since Canasta is a team game, the aim is getting as many cards as possible from the pile for your team. Whether you or your partner gets the cards is quite irrelevant. However, in the ideal position both you and your partner have many cards in your hands. This is discussed in depth later.) After deciding the dominance, the submissive team tries to go out and the dominant team tries to make the game last as long as possible.
This setting occurs almost certainly when the score required for opening meld is high (that is, at least 90). When the opening meld is 50 for both teams, there may appear also equal hands. In equal hands a continuous battle over the discard pile is going on. You must continuously consider which team wins more by continuing the game, and quickly go out if you think your opponents have better chances to complete canastas. I think there are no special "equal hand" strategies, but you must apply all strategies when they are suitable.

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