Monday, April 10, 2006

Web Pages

Web Page Building

There is a difference between web page building and making blogs. You almost have to be an initiate to understand the differences. But here it is in a nutshell ... A blog come with a series of premade templates and requires no knowledge to get started. Where building a web page requires a basic knowledge of html code at a minimum and a remote, host server somewhere on the planet. You also need to own your own domain (call this a place that is bought and paid for by you on the internet... A place where you have total dominion over what is put on the internet.)

4 years ago I knew zip about any of this and started a local blog about LVH. It was very plain. It had few readers... 5 or 6 once in awhile. It fascinated me how it was put together. Soon I was tearing it apart and analyzing it. Then my daughter gave me an old school manual on code... Today our blog has grown into 19 webpages. All have to be maintained behind the scenes with a variety of technical problems. It can keep you pretty busy. The number of visitors to the home page since inception is approaching 90,000.

We recruited shamlessly for writers, photographers, etc. to keep the thing interesting. Now, we have breathing room with the addition of Charles and Donna. They have given me space to learn how to build webpages in my own domain. Jim Dodds helped me along over some technical hurdles that I did not understand and now I have built 4 webpages from scratch.. 3 were practice but one is working on the CERT website HERE if you want to have a look.

Since I have more time I am going to employ what's been learned and so you will see new things on the website from time to time as we create new ideas.

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