Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The LVH Computer Clu

The LVH Computer Club

The ball is rolling as of now. We had 35 of you say in a previous poll on this website that you wanted a computer club. Because that is a large group we will have to reserve the clubhouse for our meetings. To do that we have to know the date and time of the meeting. So, we are running a poll on the left to find out which is the best day for our new members. We will follow up in a couple of days with a poll for the most preferred time.

This first meeting will be a structural meeting setting up what we want to do and how we are going to do it. For instance, we could elect a president but maybe we would call him/her the head Geek. Maybe to get into meetings you would have to wear the Sacred Pocket Protector? If we find it necessary to name a secretary might that person be called our “Chat Room Host(ess)”?

What would we do? Well, some of us are beginners others are old pro’s we can help one another become better and more proficient. We can talk about new discoveries we’ve made. We can form groups of gamers, artists, sports enthusiasts, learn how to write code, how to computerize your home with home automation, Learn one another’s work a rounds and short cuts. Swap information on hardware and software programs, Set up a home Ethernet or Wireless network.. Learn how to make it secure. Learn how to build a blog, share a picture album, about Tivo, Stock Marketing. What’s a cantenna? Can you pull in free hispeed internet by building an antenna to do that?

Freeware.. Cool programs, computer repairs you can do yourself. Who has had good and bad experiences with what computers? Where are the good buys at?   We can broadcast our own radio in the park. Playing tunes and making announcements about daily activities. Make your computer an integral part of your home security... Can it wake you to your favorite music and send you off to sleep the same way.



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