Saturday, March 04, 2006

JUST WONDERING.............?
Since I came onboard with Ron on the web site and putting pictures, writing articles and finding articles to put on the Longview Hills web site. I looked back to when Ron first started this web site, Ron has brought this site a long ways and done a outstanding job in building it for all to enjoy. That doesn't only include the residents who live in this community, but many others from around the globe clicks on this site if not daily, but weekly to see what is going on here. Ron, deserves a very big kudo for this and many other great things he has got going here, example........emergency light system on the lamp post, putting numbers on the globes, these tools help the emergercy response teams to find your house a lot easier at night. Take time one night and drive around here on the hill to see how hard it is to read the house numbers on the houses themselfs and then you will see the importance of having them. Plus Ron, has with many others help got the computer lab up and running this last month or so, also has gotten management to pay for the wire-less cost each month. There has been a lot of interest show from residents who want to learn how to use a computer and others are there to teach them. They could be sitting in front of the TV, reading a book or just doing what every makes there life relaxing. But no, they are doing all this for YOU, the resident. We do not want a pat on the back or any awards, we do this because we enjoy doing for others and able to see the enjoyment they receive from what we do. I know my wife and I have only been on the hill for less than five years, but I've seen changes up here since we've been here. Onething about living at LVH's, if you want to be involved then you can, if you don't, then there is no pressure from anyone to become involved. But remember it's up to all of us to make this a better place to live and one we can be very proud of and for others to follow in our steps. We've got a lot of wonderful people living here and have seen a lot of new residents move in this past year, at one time there were over 30 houses for sale, now I only see one at this time. It's time for me to get off the soap box and hope I haven't step out of bounds, but I mean well. The writers of this web site, Ron, Donna and myself ask that if you have any suggestions, comments or ideas to make living up here better. Let us know via the comments at the bottom of each article or send us a e-mail message, which you will find our address at the end of the listings on the left hand side of this web site. Hope you've taken time to read this and I wish everyone the very best. Enjoy life to the fullest, while you can.

With respect.......Charles Burke :)

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