Sunday, August 28, 2005

Micheal Yon war correspondent

Micheal Yon

We have been reading the web log (BLOG) of Micheal Yon an imbeded reporter in Iraq. The perspective he delivers on the war is from the young warriors doing the fighting. He goes on the missions with the troops and writes about what he sees and he takes his own videos and still pictures.

He gives a completely detailed and different story than you are used to seeing on the nightly news. As far as I can see he is spin free and just reports what is going on.

We first saw one of his posts this week and since have gone back to read his previously archived dispatches. This is a highly recommended read. Want to see what and IED (explosive device) going off as you are driving on patrol looks like? He has video and audio of it as it is happening while he was on patrol with a group of soldiers he calls the Deuce 4.

Want to see what the real Iraqi attitude is?
Learn who the terrorists are and why and how they operate from a man on the ground... This you haven't seen on the news...

We are very impressed with this writer and have put a new link to his blog on the left side of the page. We hope you will give him a read soon.

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