Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cindy Sheehan's protest

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Cindy Sheehan's protest
A pertinent question emerges from the rhetoric, the politics and the stylized ideological circus in Crawford, Texas
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cindy Sheehan, the now-famous anti-war protester, says she just wants to know why her soldier son had to die in the war in Iraq.

Partly because of the means by which she asks the question -- a highly publicized, highly politicized and highly stylized protest outside the President's Crawford, Texas, ranch -- no useful answer is likely to be forthcoming. In talk-radio America, it may be that Sheehan could not raise the question in any better forum than the one she chose. Or it may simply be that something so emotional cannot ever come up in public without the biliousness that has characterized the discussion so far."

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