Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Everybody... I need some help here. Some of you know about the new posters that advertise weekly and monthly events. Maybe you're hearing about it for the first time now. These posters for all reocurring events are in the plastic tray mounted on the bulletin board and are there for the convenience of everyone to hang on the door as their club event approaches. No one is assigned to keep up with this task. It is hoped that everyone will step in and lend a hand.

These calendar event posters were created because they happen on a regular basis throughout the month. Today someone placed the Women's coffee poster on the door for today... If you check the calendar posted on the bulletin board you will see that the coffee is on the last Tuesday of the month. So today was not the day to hang that poster up. Now no less than two people have called or spoke to us telling us that the sign was not on the right day. My question is simply why not take the sign down if you know it is up on the wrong day? One answer was that they waited for the person who put it up to return and take it down.. Does that make sense to you?

So we are asking everyone put up the posters when they need to go up but check the calendar to make sure you are right before you do.... On the positive side... they are getting put up and that's cool.

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