Saturday, June 25, 2005



I was listening to a group of our ladies just talking and having a good old time at the potluck breakfast today. One said that she should walk but it's no fun going alone.

Me thinks that's a really good idea. Our ladies so enjoy talking. Why not do that and get a bit of exercise at the same time? The more the merrier. What we need is a time that walkers go by your house then you just pop out and walk and talk. For instance Bev Garvey would call one lady and say I'm going out in ten minutes heading to the clubhouse and that lady would call another and say she was going out and heading to the clubhouse. And so on ... They would all meet up along the way and continue their walk and talk until done or done in and then drop off at their own homes.

There certainly is no need to be lonely... I think this would be a real easy group to form and keep up. A few of you could start any minute now.. and hold your meeting while you walk. You could decide how you want to do it... Then let me know and I'll make posters for the Bulletin Board and put an article on here with whatever you want to say.

Once you get started it will only take a phone call to one person from the one who is leader that day... Maybe you could have lemonaid and pit stops at various folks homes around the neighborhood..

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