Sunday, May 15, 2005


ron thomas

Is it my imagination or does the Clubhouse Bulletin Board get ignored most of the time? I mentioned it to David Guhier and he said that he watches folks come in and they look straight ahead and never look at the Bulletin Board.

I thought maybe if the Bulletin Board was where the dry erase board is now it might have a better chance of being looked at. At any rate there are changes to the bulletin board that you might notice.

We go over there and mess with it several times a week now. Here are some changes you can find now...

The calendar on the bulletin board shows 3 months ahead so you can plan to take advantage of the LVH activities that are coming up. The calendar is updated within hours of any change that takes place for all three months. Larry Henson calls us with any changes he makes for private functions and we update the calendar right away. The most upto date calendar will always be the web page calendar but the clubhouse will be only a few hours behind. The calendar lists everyone's birthday that was on the birthday list for the next 2 years.

We are going to try and keep posters up for all the clubs and their meetings. So it would be helpful if you are going to make a change to an activity for you to give Jacky a call so we can update it.

As an activity nears its assigned date the poster for it on the bulletin board will move to the glass door entry to the Mail Room. To Remind you of it's coming. The posters on the bulletin board announcing coming events will be organized in a descending date order.... You got more ideas? Let's hear them.

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