Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Box

Thinking Outside The Box

Thinking Outside the Box means thinking beyond the parameters of human consciousness and experience - to see beyond the norm - to be a visionary - to activate your DNA. We exist inside the box - the physical plane - but we soon evolve our conscious awareness back to its source of creation - outside the box.

Imagine your experience in third dimension as a puzzle box.
The spheres, rods, grids, holding it in place.
When you think outside the box, the box goes away.
[Note; 3x3=9=closures, endings]

Physical reality is the Tree of Life.
Geometric shapes - Platonic Solids -
create physical forms that keeps you inside the box.
When you awaken - you move your consciousness 'outside the box'.

Pinocchio was a wooden puppet who became a physical boy.
He was guided by the 'Blue Fairy' (Blue=blueprint of our reality)
In many meditations I have seen humanity as puppets on strings.
To prove himself, he entered the water
(collective unconscious - creation)
and saved his creator, Geppetto.

Are you trapped inside the box?
Can you think 'outside of the box'?
It means leaving behind frustration, anger, stress, and fear.
Can you be creative?
Can you manifest in a reality of infinite possibilities?

Relax. Close your eyes.
See yourself 'in the box'.
Now visualize yourself
or remote view yourself moving
'outside of the box'.

What do you see?

If reality is a 'box'
created by electromagnetic energy grids
how does one use the hidden key to unlock the door
to become free of the pull of the grid of emotions and
able to think 'out of the box' and into higher awareness?

Metaphors: The Ark of the Covenant
is a box which holds a source of creational light energy
that works as a generator or battery in our reality.
Creation takes place outside of the box.
How does one move 'out of the box' to find the true
source of the power or light that forms our reality? The box is also a vessel. Your physical form is often referred to as a vessel at the heart of which is your soul spark of light. When you move your consciousness 'out of the box'
you move out of your physical form.

We also have Jack in the BoX
who is the Clown, Trickster, Joker
who is linked to the elements of surprise
music, geometry and The Game of 3D.
When you think 'out of the box'
you can think beyond his Game.

The Sepher Yetsira (Sefer Yetzirah): Cube of Space

Does the box have many layers and dimensions?
Is(?) Humanity evolving out of the box and into the light of creation.

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