Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ron & Jacky in San Jose

We arrived at our daughters home today... Let the festivities begin.

On the way here we saw 3 elk herds... One near Prairie Creek in California another outside of Eureka and a monster herd south of Laytonville. It was chilly on the way down but no snow. Today was clear and sunny all the way to San Jose. On the way out of Eureka today we saw a big hairy cow. I saw a Gnu at a Tokyo zoo when I was in the service and this looked like one of those. It could of been a Yak maybe.

Part of my fun when going this way is to watch Jacky try to navigate the traffic circle at the off ramp in Arcata. It's been there for years and she has been in it dozens of times but will always choose the wrong way to go and then panic, crying out, "Which way? Which way?" It's one of my favorite rituals. :)

Weight Watchers bit the dust when we walked in the door... Oh well, there's next year.

While driving through the city we saw a funny thing at stop lights ... There would be maybe 20 cars when we stopped at a light and not once did we see more than 2 of them to be American cars and we were one of them.

Before leaving home I saw Marlene Crites at the mailroom and her car had broken a timing belt which blew her engine apart. She is looking at a $4500 repair job on a car which is worth about $1500... and that she owes about that much on. Anybody got any ideas that would help her?

Well that's all for now... Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a little sunshine...perhaps a cupa cheer too.

1 comment:

bobby said...

Merry Christmas,

Glad you made it. Got all the tables set up. We are having 37 for dinner, two turkeys, two hams.. Everything is going well.

Hurry back.

We all miss you

Cold and windy here

as b4,
