Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Falls Among Elderly Often Caused by Inner-Ear Imbalance - TIME

Falls Among Elderly Often Caused by Inner-Ear Imbalance - TIME: "Most likely, things start going awry simply due to advancing age, Agrawal says. Smoking, hypertension and diabetes are also associated with higher rates of inner-ear balance problems. Fortunately, the condition is easily diagnosable in the doctor's office: patients are asked to stand on a firm padded surface and close their eyes. Without the ability to use touch and vision to stay balanced, patients who suffer from an inner-ear problem promptly fall down. The addition of that simple test to annual physicals, Agrawal says, 'would likely save millions of dollars and lives.'"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This may very well be true for some, however, I have had vertigo for many years. Since I was very young, in my 30's, doctors insisted on tests to determine if I had a brain tumor, ear canal tumor, other nasty things, it was discovered I suffered from inner ear situation which I can't now put a name to because I forgot---now that I'm old my memory is not good and I'm still dizzy, and cannot maintain any balance in the dark.