Thursday, February 08, 2007

Know Zone update

Last night we put into practice a 24 hour monitoring of Ch5... Only one person is monitoring through the night at this time. Several are monitoring during daylight hours. With this growing net there will come a time when nothing goes unnoticed in the park. We need folks to volunteer to monitor from 11:00pm to 8:00am. We are especially asking block captains of Neighborhood Watch to step up and volunteer for 1 night shift a month. We will train you (CERT) and we will not just throw you in to the job... until you say you are ready.

For the rest who don't want to volunteer you can help by just buying an FRS radio at WalMart or Staples and asking a CERT person to help you set it up if you need help. Recommended is that you buy one with a battery charger so that if you choose, you can leave it on all the time in the charger cradle.

CERT team members will wear their Ball Caps while they are in the park (If they remember) and you can stop them and ask for radio help or about CERT anytime.

You can hone your skills with the radio by calling for a radio check and someone will answer and tell you how you are doing. They can help you with any questions about your radio then too.

If you have news affecting the community you can use ch 5 to inform the duty person who will tell the community periodically through the day what is happening.

If something happens to you you can execute a query on CH5 and ask if anyone knows what is going on. The duty person will usually have the scoop. If not he/she will call a block captain coordinator who will try to find out and broadcast the answer to you and everyone else.

For instance most of the community had water recently but those on 60th st did not for a couple of days. Most folks would not even know about it but if you were on 60th st you could have called the KnowZone on CH 5 and got or made a report. It all comes to the point that if you want to know something.. monitor or call the KnowZone CH5. It will be your quickest source to what's happening.

Support the Know Zone by buying a radio and learning how to use it. And, by volunteering once a month to help be a monitor.

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