Friday, February 02, 2007


In a story from below about the tornado in Florida a reporter listens to a man talk about the plight of himself and his wife.......Quote, "ABC News: 14 Dead As Storms Sweep Through Fla.: "'Every muscle and bone in my body shook,' said Lee Shaver, 54. 'We don't know what to do. We have no cell phones, wallets, IDs.'"

At a Social Club Meeting Maryln Breakfield speaks of the huge 8.9 earthquake in Alaska when they lived there. Everything was so confused Bob and her did not know what to do. They were warned a tsunami was coming but they did not know what to do. So, they went home and waited.

A t LVH we have had the Neighborhood Watch Block Captain System for years. It evolved over time to where there were over 35 Block Captains through out the park. Each operating independently. This one did a good job.. that one didn't do anything, That one was disorganized, this one did things this way while others did it that way. Some did nothing.

Evolving Neighborhood Watch gained a coordinator who would receive and transmit messages to all the Block Captains and try to standardize all the forms... Some change in efficiency but not really that much. Why? The poor coordinator needed to get on the phone to relay a message to 35 other people. By the time that was done it would be time to call again to tell everyone the event was over. This process would be over 6 hours long.. If someone was not home they didn't get notified and neither did their people. Here is a management factoid... Anytime the group you manage is over 7 people or groups everything will deteriorate. 5 groups or 5 people works. 35 block captains ridicoulous! Not gonna work and takes to long. Wears out the coordinator besides as in the story above ...The couple's phones would not work. This is a recipe for disaster. An unnecessary disaster that we can all avoid by entering the KNOW ZONE.

Things will be changing rapidly very soon.. In fact they have all ready started... As of tonight Irene Repetski is entering the know zone.... You are part of the solution!

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