Sunday, February 25, 2007


We have had comments that the archives for the website stopped working. Worked on it today and found a new way to make them work and it should be a lot easier for you. When you scroll down the page on the left you will find a new box to the archives that conveniently lists them by date. The website is archived weekly right back to its beginning. Everything is there, a miniature history of LVH for about 5 years. Over 5000 posts!

Should you care to research the archives or the current articles there is a search engine just for this website alone in the top left corner of the page just above the banner picture. Put in your search key words or names and up will pop links to all that was said on the subject in the past. Try putting in your name or a friend's that is active in park activities.

A word about the looks of what you will see... When an archive is called it brings up all the stories written on the date range selected but the rest of the website does not change. All that changes are the articles. Look for the dates on the postings and you will know you are in the right place.

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