Friday, July 07, 2006

sent in by Dick Garvey...

(Who was attacked yesterday by a garden hose as he stepped outdoors.)

I don't want to hear any giggles or laughter as to what I'm about to
disclose. You see the way I see it You'll probably say I had it
coming. Yoy know me, I try to be caring and sympathtic at all times,
all I ask is no "He probably deserves it." Wed. night at 12:05 am I
had a sinus attack so bad that Bev made me get up from desparately
trying to get some sleep to take a midnight ride to the hospital. They
gave antibiotics and a horse size shot in each hip, and in half an
hour was ready to go dancing. Got up at 6:00 am and turned on the
sprinkler to the lawn and at 6:30 am went out to turn it off. Well
between the wet grass and me being bare footed, when I turned the
corner to turn the hose bibb off, the next thing I know My legs are
flying out from underneath me and when I came down on my ankle, a big
crunch could be heard by all. When Bev took me back to emergency, The
same Dr. Goldman was still on duty, and as they were setting the soft
cast on he came in with the wise words "Son, (actually I'm quite a bit
older than he is} "You need to learn to be more careful." The hard
cast will be put on Mon., and hoping it will be a walking cast, as I
have learned to hate crutches. The only reason I'm letting out this
story, is that now with more time on my hands than I should have, some
of you might get "spammed" to death as I've got lots of time to find
and send the funnies. Hoping YOU are all well, and any sympathy you
might think of sending should be sent to Bev. Who,by the way, has just
recovered enough from her knee replacement to be able to bring coffee
and such, but who somehow has lost her bell which she rang vigoursly
when she was on her back. If any one has a big bell they are not
using, please forward. Dick

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