Monday, July 24, 2006

Day 6 has arrived - still no electric - last night I washed clothes in the sink by hand and hung them outside to dry. Needless to say with temperature reaching 94 degrees drying was not a problem.

Today was like most any other day except the temperature is 102 with a heat index of 115 degrees. Weather man is forecasting storms tonight – maybe it will cool things off some. Wednesday night storm comes through with 85 MPH straight line wind, trees down on power lines, lighting strikes on transformers: power is out.

Thursday AM, power is still out and the temperature today is forecasted to reach 104 degrees. I must stay home from work no place to take the kids – babysitter power is out also. Went to the store to purchase some ice everything is sold out in the entire north county area. Most all the restaurants are closed and only a couple grocery stores are running on generators. Batteries, ice, generators and hotel room are either non existent or at such a price one can not afford.

Today is Monday going on the 5th day without power? We have learned to cope. Thank goodness I have a gas grill. I cooked all the meat in the freezer and drove 30 miles to get ice to keep it from spoiling. The temperatures have dropped down into the 90’s but are projected to rise again this week. Trash companies are making special pickup for all the spoiled food people are disposing.

Some positives things that came out of this situation are: All the refrigerators and freezers are sparkling clean waiting to be turned back on. We are not going hungry though I became creative in cooking and the kids learned to like some food they would not touch before. They also survived without TV or video games and found that playing in the sprinklers is not so bad. It was peaceful setting in the dark and relaxing. – I couldn’t do much house work without electricity. Showering in cold water is refreshing. Most of all we are blessed not to have damage to our home.

What I did learn is one must be prepared before a disaster strikes not reacting after it occurs. When things get back to normal I will take the list I made of the items I needed and didn’t have and purchase those items for the next time.

Conversation with Chris my daughter who lives in St. Louis, Mo:

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