Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Calendar and the Posters on the bulletin board and the tickets for catered events...

ron thomas

As we wind down to elections of new officers I felt the need to curtail looking after those above events. It was fun figuring out how to apply computer technology and setting it up. We asked for volunteers to help but it all sounded so imtimidating so there were no takers. Finally, Jacky said she would learn how to do this stuff.

It all required patience and a few months of working the various systems. But as all things computer if you learn how to do something in one program you learn how to do it in all programs. So as your basic knowledge grows so does the more programs you can use grow.

Jacky has always been an artist. In point of fact in her large High School she was the editor of the school annual and when her art work was submitted in a national competition it came in second in that competition. She has catered many dinners and built hundreds of wedding cakes. Her creativity led her to own and run a gift shop in a tourist destination as well as create and manufacture gifts in another facility she built from the ground up . Her art and creativity has graced the shelves of bussineses and gift shops all over the United States.

When it came to the computer she balked, however. Finally, we sat together and she began to learn how to make posters and then tickets... She is having a ball. Now after my last months calendar errors she sat once again and started learning how to work the electronic calendar. Guess what? Since all the lessons she learned making posters apply to the calendar she learned how to run many features in about ten minutes. Last night she smugly announced she had updated the calendar and it was a piece of cake.

Of course she is sitting in again for another term as Activity Coordinator.. All these things have to do with art and I am happy she enjoys what she is doing for the coming year.

Meanwhile, this gives me some more time to pursue new activities such as the CERT team and The Community Emergency Plan, building websites for community organizations and other ideas bouncing around in my half empty head.

We are having fun now!

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