Tuesday, October 11, 2005

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | More Flores 'Hobbits' described

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | More Flores 'Hobbits' described: "More Flores 'Hobbits' described
LB6 remains - scalebar = 1cm (Morwood/Brown/Nature)
Unlike modern humans, H. floresiensis has little in the way of a chin
Scientists have discovered more remains of the strange, small people that once lived on Flores island, Indonesia.

The announcement last year detailing a single, partial skeleton caused a sensation when it was claimed to be a human species new to science.

Homo floresiensis, as it was called, was little more than a metre tall and lived 18,000 years ago.

Now, the same team tells Nature journal it has skeletal remains from at least nine of the 'Hobbit-like' individuals."

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