Saturday, March 12, 2005

In the below article where folks expressed their opinions...
ron thomas

I promised to bring all the points back so we could look at them and have a more drilled down look at each point. So we could all decide if there is a good way to improve the point or let it stand as is.

That being said it is not the purpose here to create feelings of guilt. Nor, do we wish to challenge anybodies right to be an American and choose to do or think whatever they wish. Nor is one person's opinion to be taken as the way things must be said or done.
It would be healthy if folks would not consider what is written here as a personal attack. If you really are upset about what you read let me invite you to sign on to this website as a team writer where you can write articles (called posts).This site is meant to be a forum, park news, and a fun entertainment place. It is continually evolving (changing) based on what is learned. The underlying rules for this place are follows:

  • Follow The Golden Rule.
  • No political discussions of the Republican vs the Democrat type.
  • No religious protelitizing.
Now we would like to take the first bulleted point from the Evolve The Social Club article and look at it. Of course, since I am the only one writting.... What you read will be my OPINION which may not be the way you choose to view the subject... So make a comment and let's see what we can find out.

Here is point number 1 from the article:

The park will experience a social breakup, disintegrating into small splinter groups and limit socializing.


The actual Social Club is made up of about 30 people who attend meetings and about 2/3 of that amount that help with Club Activities on a regular basis. What is the bussiness of the club? Historically it looks like whatever group is in charge is responsible for the care and feeding of about 30 to 80 people depending on whether the feeding is free or not. The closer to free food we go the more eaters we can expect.

Would a social break up then equate to... If people won't volunteer to cook and serve food then the Social Club will break up.

Now if the Social Club's bussiness were to grow clubs and not feed people. What would that do toward dividing the park?

Clubs would grow and people interested in their activities would join. they would eventually need money to operate and they would most likely have fund raisers which could be dinners and breakfasts. It is likely they would have a member base to carry that out. So the result is the same as far as dinners and breakfast go but the chore is spread around in a more equitable way.

Let me site a current example.... The group that plays pool at the clubhouse feels it needs to re-felt the pool tables, an expensive proposition. They think it's not right for the Social Club to be asked to foot the bill because they have a small group. Dick Bellingham, who is one of their members suggested that they paint a home this summer to help raise the funds necessary to do the job. In this instance if the club were short after their fund raiser the Social Club would help. Now that is an example of what will happen if clubs are supported and helped to grow.

If the Social Club got out of the food service business and went into helping clubs that serve the interests of park residents. More folks would be served. Already the clubs that exist in the park provide more activity for more than double the residents that the Social Club does. I say put the money where that interest lies and encourage growth in clubs by becoming sponsors of the clubs.

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