Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Catered Mother's Day Meal...
ron thomas

At the Social Club meeting a vote was taken to have a catered meal on Mother's Day. The way it will work is. .... There will be a $10 per person charge.

As it stands now the clubhouse can only have 80 people seated. That means there will only be 80 tickets sold to this event. Tickets must be bought before the event.
Also, if you cannot come to the clubhouse.. there will be provisions made for unlimited take out dinners and the price for ordered takeout dinners will be the same.. $10.00... Volunteers will deliver them.

The committee selling the tickets will be Jean Hart, Betty Hanus and Gloria Mazzeo.The cutoff date for ticket purchases will be April 30th in order that we get the money to the caterer on time

You may want to consider that the restaurants in town are likely to be crowded on Mother's Day. Also, the price for the meal is extremely reasonable.

Why a catered dinner? Well moms just deserve a day off from cooking don't you think?

The meal will be served on May 8th. 1:00pm social hour.... Dining at 2:00pm. This repast will be catered by our local 4 star restauranteur... Shirley's on de Bay.

The menu will be:

  • Roast Beef
  • Pork
  • Chicken stuffed with shrimp
  • Scalloped Potatoes
  • Baked beans
  • Salad and desserts
The Social Club has agreed to tip our servers so you won't have to have that expense... another money saving plus for you. So get your tickets or orders in now while there is still time to get a good seat.

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