Friday, November 12, 2004


i.e. Computer Virus Alert

I thank Bette Owens for being alert, it is "ALWAYS WISE" to never open or pass on emails from people you don't know. There are even trojans and worms that execute themselves even if you never open the email, that is why I recommend to always keep your virus information up to date. However, left click here, this perticular virus is one of hundreds of hoaxes floating around the internet. My mother once emailed me about an email she received from my sister telling the computer owner to search for a file and if found on their computer to delete that file as it was a virus, well, thousands of people just deleted this file only to find that Windoz would not operate again as that file was a main bootup for the Windoz Operating system. Victims of of a sick hoax. For more information on Virus' and computer vulnerabilities please visit this page on my website by left clicking here.There is a button labled HOAXES and will take you to a Symantec site dedicated to this subject. Not to push you onto my site but "ALL" the lastest virus and vulnerability information is posted there in real time, 24/7. So visit it daily and for complete marine and aviation weather plus other travel information in real time visit her sister site

THANK YOU AGAIN is always wise to be cautious.

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