Sunday, November 21, 2004

Donate Your Computer Idle Time

Donate Your Computer Idle Time

Does your computer run idle during the day?
Do you let your computer run all the time?

If you answered yes to either question, I have a proposal for you...

A number of years back Berkeley started a program call SETI@Home, SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You download their free software and while your computer just sits idle it downloads and analyzes radio telescope data looking for communications from a far away civilization. I have ran it for a long time now and it uses almost zero computer resources. By utilizing millions of home computers it helps solve the problem of sorting through mountains of data. A very worthy project considering the stories you could tell if "your" computer found that telltale signal.

Which brings me to point out a new launch project structured after the SETI@Home efforts called;

World Community Grid - A very worthy project to get involved with...
Based on the same structure you download their software and while your computer is idle it analyzes their mountains of data.

-Human Proteome Folding Project-

World Community Grid is focusing on a project key to advancing our knowledge of human disease. By identifying the proteins that make up the Human Proteome, scientists can build the understanding needed for novel and effective treatments for diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, SARS, and malaria. Here again using millions of home PC's to sort through all that data.

Very worthy projects that you can help out with by donating your computer downtime, to learn more about either of these two projects just left click on the blue highlighted words in this message.

Your Great Great Grandchildren reading their text book in school that's says "thier" Great Great Grandparents Computer found the cure !!!

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