Tuesday, June 29, 2004


ben davi

I have taken it upon myself to contact several wineries to ask for wine for our upcoming wine tasting party this August.
Two very gracious wineries have already responded by saying they would send some wine. I am hoping to hear from others before the event occurs. This will be a sign-up event, and all those who wish to attend may do so. If it is well received and well attended, who knows, we might be able to make it a regular activity several times a year. P.S. If you'll notice the new boxes on the left side of the browser window, you'll see the two sponsors and contributors so far for the event. Try them out!
Benton-Lane is exceptionally high in Resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxidant that is known to strengthen the immune system, kill cancer, and prolong life. P.P.S. This information is taken from THEIR brochure.

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