Thursday, May 20, 2004


Ron Thomas along with the assistance of Charles Burke has secured LVH a spot in front of Wal-Mart on Saturday June 5th from 10 am to 2 pm and then again on Saturday June 19th from 10 am to 2 pm. We will need 2 people per shift to work 2 hours each or 4 people per shift to work only 1-hour shifts. Sign Up sheet is posted at clubhouse. This is your opportunity to help sell the Izzy’s Books. We still have approximately 350 books remaining.

We also will need to borrow a card table and 2 folding chairs and I need someone who is good at sign making. If we have a sign that could hang from the table or stand up on something it would save time explaining what we were selling. However considering the wind in Newport the sign will need to be stable. All you creative folks get your thinking caps on and help me out here. If you have been saying I wish there was something I could do to contribute, here is your opportunity. If you are good at setting, talking and taking money this job is for you.

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