Thursday, January 22, 2004


LVH Social Club Minutes - January 19, 2004

The January 2004 Social Club meeting was called to order at 4pm on Jan.
19th, at the clubhouse, by chairman, Donna Talarski. 16 residents were in

The chairman reported that the minutes from the previous meeting in November
2003 had been posted on the bulletin board for 2 months and would not be


Donna Talarski discussed the PCH meeting that was held at the clubhouse
recently and said she was unaware, at the time she booked the meeting, that
there would be only one topic of helpful information discussed and the other
two topics were basically a solicitation by PCH for money. She said another
meeting given by PCH was due in April, and she would check first to make
sure it was not a solicitation and would be helpful, informative topics for
the majority of residents, before booking.

Donna also reminded those present that the Oregon Dept. of Justice would
hold a meeting at the clubhouse at 1:30pm on Feb. 2nd, to discuss fraud and
identity theft, and the State Contractor's Board would host a workshop here
on March 17th at 2:00pm on "How to Choose a Contractor" and other related

The subject of "Movie Night at the Clubhouse" was tabled for now.

Discussion ensued about the repair and replacement of chairs in the
clubhouse. Don Newman reported that Costco does not have the same kind of
chairs. Don offered to purchase some type of colored pens to spruce up some
of the chairs. Jim Hart suggested it was Management's responsibility to fix
and replace the chairs, not the Social Club's responsibility. Donna Davi
reported that a chair had collapsed under Bill Furgason at Pinochle the
previous Thursday evening, and that he fell hard onto the floor. Ben and
Donna Davi offered to talk with Larry Henson to determine ownership of the
chairs and will report back to the club at next month's meeting.

Donna Talarski gave an update on the "Izzy's" coupon book fund raiser that
had been discussed previously. Izzy's does not feel that LVH Social Club is
a non-profit charitable organization and does not want to fund our "social
club". Bill Hanus has attempted, via 2 letters, to explain to Izzy's, the
charitable contributions LVH residents have made and has tried to come to
some compromise to work with Izzy's. As of this date, there has been no
response from the restaurant.

Joy Newman asked if another restaurant might be willing to work with LVH.
Ben Davi suggested we try to register with the State of Oregon as a
non-profit charitable organization. Jim Hart and Betty Hanus responded that
the LVH Social Club is already registered as a non-profit organization, but
not a non-profit charity.

Donna Talarski reported that she and Betty Hanus would give a report on the
budget in April, covering expenses over the previous 9 months, to determine
if the amounts budgeted were in line with actual expenses. Another report
will be given in July before the new officers assume responsibility for the

Donna also reported on the progress of a US flag for the clubhouse. After
researching costs involved, Donna gave two options to Larry Henson: a
self-standing flag pole with flag ($400) and a flag anchored to the building
with a bracket ($200). Larry faxed the information to Brian and he agreed to
pay 1/2 of the cost of option #2, up to $100. The Social Club will pay the
other half. Bill Furgason will donate the labor and work with Larry Henson
to determine placement of the flag, etc. The flag itself is also being
donated. Don Newman suggested that a painted flag pole should not be
purchased, due to high maintenance. A motion was offered, seconded and
passed, to proceed with the purchase and installation of the flag.


It was determined that the monthly "Birthday Celebration" for all residents
will be held at the clubhouse on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 2pm. This
information will regularly be placed on the monthly activities calendar by
Bill Holt.

Elaine Adkins, Editor of the LVH newsletter, asked if residents who are not
currently living in the park, and want the newsletter mailed to them each
month, are responsible for paying their own postage or if the Social Club
was responsible for postage. It was determined after discussion by those
present, that the person requesting the newsletter should be responsible for
providing a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the editor for each
newsletter they wish mailed to them.

Elaine requested that if possible, all articles for the newsletter be
emailed to her at

Ingrid Muhlstein made it known that she is interested in hitching a ride to
go shopping with anyone going up to Beaverton for the day. It was suggested
that this information be placed in the next newsletter.

Donna Talarski reiterated that Bette Owens and Kathy Furgason would try to
put together some day trips for residents in the spring and summer.

Discussion ensued about the great success of the Adopt A Family program at
Christmas time, undertaken by residents of LVH.

Chairman Donna advised that a person is needed to chair a Decorating
Committee for the clubhouse. A notice will be placed in the next newsletter.

Kathy Furgason showed a sample of what information was given to new
residents at LVH, by the Welcoming Committee. She also announced that after
a year's service, the Rose's and the Furgason's would be stepping down from
the committee and Jack & Ginny Scherer would be taking over that
responsibility as of January 20th.

Kathy Furgason asked for discussion about the Social Club purchasing an
artificial Christmas tree for the clubhouse, due to the cost and maintenance
each year of a live tree. Pros and cons were discussed and then Bill Hanus
suggested that we table the discussion until later in the year.

Donna Davi presented a motion that two new microwaves be purchased for the
clubhouse as the current ones do not meet the needs of our kitchen when we
have large functions. Jacky Thomas had reported to Donna Talarski that she
and Ron priced good, 1000-1200 watt microwaves for under $100. Jackie Memoli
offered to pay for one of the microwaves (up to $100). The motion was
seconded and passed, that the Social Club would purchase the second
microwave for the kitchen, not to exceed $100.

Betty Hanus offered a report on the state of finances for the Social Club.

The February Social Club meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 16th at 4pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Kathy Furgason
for Nancy Lee Moore

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