Wednesday, June 11, 2003


Folks that will join a group of other LVH residents to help other LVH residents with their yard work. A group of us were kicking around the idea of helping others, sharing plants was the first idea, then we moved on to sharing labor.

What do you think of starting a group to do light yard work for residents that can't and don't have the money to hire a lawn person.? If enough of us get together with rakes, shovels and good strong backs we could complete the weeding, trimming and mulching in a Saturday morning. The home owner would still be responsible for any need supplies, i.e shrubs, mulch, grass seed etc. The yard crew would only offer their labor free to the homeowner. We could have a signup sheet at the club house for residents needing and wanting yard service and another for residents interested in offering their labor.

This would be a way to spruce up the park and share with others at the same time. Let's hear your ideas, questions and or comments.

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