Friday, May 16, 2003

Just when you thought it was safe reality hits......

Last night about 10:15pm as we were sitting watching tv
our backyard lights went on. I went to see what kind of animal set them off. Needless to say I didn't see anything.
A couple of minutes later our door bell rang. Jim went to answer the door and no one was at either door. I
called the police and that wasn't easy because I got a machine telling me what number to call. The number in the phone book is not correct.For your information the correct number is 265-4231. I hadn't called 911 because it was not life threatening.The number the recording gave me was for during the day so I called 911. They said the police were in the area looking for a suspicious character.They also gave me the above number to call to get the dispatch office. Once I got a hold of them the police were here very quickly. They searched all around and of course were not able to find anything. About 11 or 11:15 our lights went on in the back again and we called again, another police person came and she walked the trail behind our houses. Unfortunately both times turned up empty handed but, maybe an another burglary attempt was averted. I guess we have to still keep our eyes and ears open for neighborhood watch to work.

Jim and Bonnie Rose

editorial comment
by ron thomas .....
jim & bonnie have an X-10 movement detection system that covers the path behind their home and also gives an indication to them when they are in the living room that the lights in the backyard have been set off by movement. we should consider developing a rapid community response in case of things like this happening in the future. a cascading rapid phone call system to block captians and all residents would be a good thing. another idea would be to get several residents into the area with flashlights and cell phones.. making a lot of noise. This would be a good discussion at the Neighborhood Watch Meeting.

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