Friday, April 15, 2005

Bingo on the Wain?

Ron Thomas

Bingo is scheduled every other week at the clubhouse but a good portion of the time enough folks don’t show up to play. When they do the pots are pretty low... around $15 or so... Not much excitement generated there.

Here is an idea I would like the Bingo Players and Social Club to think about and come prepared to speak your piece at the next Social Club Meeting where it will be brought up...

Let’s scale back the frequency of Bingo to say every 3 weeks. Then look at Bingo as having the potential to entertain and make income. We propose that we do this by having the Social Club enter an experiment for 3 sponsored nights of Bingo in the coming months. Social club sponsoring will include a guarantee of at least $100.00 in Jackpot money. If more money is taken in then the Social Club can adjust the Jackpot size upward and take a percentage for the Social Club treasury. If not the Social Club makes up the difference. Run the experiment for 3 Bingo Nights then make a decision on whether Bingo is right for us.

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