Friday, January 13, 2006

Anti-Aging Computer Tips

Anti-Aging Computer Tips: "Anti-Aging Computer Tips

By Sandy Berger

Have you ever tried to solve a computer problem? Spent hours trying to figure out how a complicated computer program works? Tried to get those attachments or digital photographs to print properly?

You're not just working through computer problems; you are also exercising your mind. Yes, the computer has proven to be an extraordinarily versatile tool to stimulate the mind. You've all heard of 'Use it or lose it.' Muscles that aren't properly exercised will atrophy and die. The latest research shows that the brain is like a muscle. Brain cells respond to stimulation. So the more you can stimulate the brain, the better. Age-related declines in mental ability affect 100% of the population. You can't escape, but you can make a difference. And your computer can be your steadfast assistant."

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