Friday, July 20, 2007

Making Neighborhood Watch Work....

There are events that happen in our Neighborhood that don't seem right but we are reluctant to call the police to handle them... Sort of a fear of "crying wolf" at what may be nothing at all. Yet the premise of a good Neighborhood Watch with a police partnership as they work together to keep each other informed.

We have the means, probably better than any community in the United States, to develop that relationship and grow a close partnership with our local police.

As you know the LVH Neighborhood Watch radio network is in place now with 50 residents having radios and more coming soon we hope. With the dedication of neighbors such as Ruthanne Carson, Jackie Memoli, Wayne and Liz Hill, Marlene Crites and Coach (Rod) McCready and a lot of others, this net is on and listened to 24/7 most of the time.

We have people in our Neighborhood Watch Patrol vehicles that are willing to go and look at a suspicious circumstance and get descriptions and license numbers when called by the net. We have a CERT team that will respond to a call for help over our net (and has).

Now we are going to add a new element that will increase our partnership with Newport Police. A copy of this article is being sent to our Police Chief, Mark Miranda so that he can help foster this new relationship.

The Newport Police Dept. (NPD) has a website with many pages dedicated to keeping the public informed about the departments activities. But, they have one page that was made for use by people like you and me to report the unusual activity you may witness in our neighborhood. This page, when filled out by you goes to a police officer for review and then is entered into the police patrol book for future reference. If anything bad happens our police have that information to help them make an arrest. Simple. If you are afraid to put your name down on the form you don't have to (but you should I think). You could ask someone on the radio to make an entry also, I would do that and so would others.

Well now it is time for you to visit the NPD report form and take a look. You can even fill it out just be sure to mark it TEST. At the bottom it says "SUBMIT" it's ok to click that.. Your data is transferred to an email form on your computer and if you press send it goes to the NPD If you don't it will not go.


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